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North of 8
Posted 2/4/2022 4:59 PM (#1002068 - in reply to #1002065)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

What you are seeing would seem to make sense. With a Vexilar, the cone is very narrow up close to the hole so a fish would have to be pretty much centered under the hole in the first 4 or so feet. Maybe fewer fish are actually down deeper than it appears on a flasher, given the nature of that type of sonar?
I am a long way from a computer geek but I love using specialized tools in my wood shop. Every so often I think there is not much out there that would do a better job than the cabinets, tool chests and racks full of tools I already have but on a regular basis I am pleasantly surprised. For example, recently bought a jig to use with my router that can not only cut precise circles up to 54 inches (already had a homemade jig) but can cut ellipses so that I can make signs, etc. in that shape. It is clever, simple. Electronics are like that. If something does a better job at what you want to do, why wouldn't you use it?

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