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Kirby Budrow
Posted 2/4/2022 3:26 PM (#1002065 - in reply to #1002064)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

Posts: 2334

Location: Chisholm, MN
North of 8 - 2/4/2022 3:04 PM

I just have mega SI/DI and I like seeing stuff that I have not seen before or seeing a sharper image of it. As to ice fishing, can't imagine going back to what I did 50+ years ago, just sitting in the shack jigging. It is frustrating sometimes, like a couple days ago right before I quit, had a fish come up multiple times to check out my jig but would not hit it. Would really liked to have had more than a Vexilar to know what it was.

That's exactly right. You can see how the fish is reacting to your bait from a distance, and whether or not it's even looking at your bait. I'm amazed at how far away a fish will see your bait and react to the way you're jigging. Also, just to see which direction it came from and seeing it farther away gives you a heads up to be ready. The first night I used it for crappies, I noticed that the fish would come from any direction. But when the sun went down and it was completely dark, every fish came from the same direction. Not that that would make you catch more fish but it was just interesting to see what was going on down there. The other thing I've come to learn is that fish are often suspended higher than where my jig is. You can see them coming and they were almost always above my jig. They would start to swim down to come look at it. I guess I learned that I can leave my jig higher than I ever would have when just using my vexilar.

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