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Kirby Budrow
Posted 2/2/2022 5:38 PM (#1002002 - in reply to #1002001)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

Posts: 2334

Location: Chisholm, MN
North of 8 - 2/2/2022 4:45 PM

Kirby Budrow - 2/2/2022 10:22 AM

North of 8 - 2/1/2022 1:07 PM

Reminds me of the observation on why women are not good at estimating the length of fish. Men have been lying to them about what is 6 inches for years.

They practice lying about 6" so they can execute a better lie about the cost of Livescope as well.

Hmmm, since in an earlier post on this thread you mentioned buying a Livescope this winter, is that the voice of experience speaking ;>)

Fortunately I’m the one in charge of the money in my house

But she got tired of hearing me talking about it and just said order it!

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