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Angling Oracle
Posted 1/31/2022 2:08 PM (#1001966 - in reply to #1001963)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

Posts: 359

Location: Selkirk, Manitoba
North of 8 - 1/31/2022 1:46 PM

I question the comment about young guys, seeking glory, etc. Most of the young anglers I know are very much into preserving the resource. While different species, the meat hunters that want to take home a 5 gallon bucket of panfish from the chain where I live tend to be middle aged guys, who hate the 10-10-25 limit on panfish that went in place 5 years ago. There were two groups in particular that stopped fishing the lake I live on when that happened, and they had not been young in a long time.

I would say my comments are a blend of what Matt was saying - and my interpretation and unscripted comments by him in his defence, and my own re. glory in my own experiences locally and the social media phenomenon (Instagram/Facebook photos more than Youtube). Young may also mean new to the chase and not necessarily age. When I use the word glory I mean the positive affirmation of others - this could just catching one musky in one's life and getting a pic, or trying to get the biggest one that year in amongst a group or whatever. It is not necessarily a bad thing and one evolves/matures in this regard over time where one develops ethical boundaries that one attempts to avoid crossing. My sense of what Matt was trying to say is there are folks using this tech that have bypassed the hard knocks stage and maybe some of the ethics are not fully matured - again, my interpretation and probably best to listen for yourself.

Brad's comment at the end that all musky fisherman tend to be a different breed and care about the fish is probably closer to the reality. It doesn't negate the fact that floaters are being found -- based on the anecdotes on Vermillion above it is clearly an issue of concern. It is changing what musky fishing is and adjustments will need to be made.

My overall point is we really do need this deep water thing to be educated as part of the show and tell in catching musky with the technology on youtube and in media in general. Nothing about it is a secret anymore as much as anyone that has it would like to believe. I only have the oldest humminbird side imaging and it is extremely useful - the gen 4 is over the top. Livescope is sharpshooting for fish...

In respect to any fish that one can keep it then becomes a regulatory issue. We have the same issue here with crappie in that this technology makes them very vulnerable.

Edited by Angling Oracle 1/31/2022 2:30 PM

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