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Posted 11/24/2021 3:24 PM (#999304 - in reply to #997793)
Subject: Re: Upgrade to I Pilot Link from Regular I Pilot

Posts: 572

Location: Germantown, WI
again, didn't get quite the answers i was looking for on this topic, but i have spoken to two shops now and have a good idea on pricing to convert it over... and no - not quite as expensive as starting all over with a new trolling motor... especially when my ulterra and hummingbirds are just 4 seasons old.

Like i said, i know it was a $600 cost when i built the boat... but at that time i hit a price point that i didn't want to exceed at that point and this to me was a luxury and not a necessity ... but now today to covert over it will be about $1,300.

$500 link head
$275 Five Port Box
$175 Cables
$350 Labor if i didn't do it myself........

Figured anyone else interested in this type of upgrade would appreciate some insight

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