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Posted 9/19/2021 9:42 AM (#992914)
Subject: Hds 10 gen2 waypoint transfer & crash

Posts: 134

Hey ya’ll…

I am trying to transfer waypoints From a chip into my Hds 10. Gen2 (non touch)

Here is where I am at thus far. I have backed up all trails and way points to an SD card. I have cleared and purged the system. When I go to import a 9 MB user file v4 I get to 1% import and the system crashes.

Soft restart, same thing… crash/reboot at 1%

Hard restart with update to last version available from Lowrance for this legacy unit (4.0)

I try to import the new file, which I got from a friend. We took his boat on a trip last year and I am taking way points from his Hds live and exporting them as file version 4 to load into my units. After all the, same crash at 1%. What am I missing?

I can, thankfully, reload my previously saved trails and way points. The loading process looks slightly different than when I try to load new stuff.


I know it’s Sunday, I’ll try Lowrance tomorrow, not sure if they will even help with this unit/model. Thanks.

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