Jerry Newman - 4/4/2019 2:20 PM
ToothyCritter - 4/4/2019 10:34 AM
I'm betting it would be a few months before I use up a full tank of gas.
Now what what to do?
Mike, if some of that gas is from last summer, I would consider draining it and starting fresh.
I've drained my boat's gas several times and all I had to do was raise the boat up with the trailer jack, disconnect the gas line after the bulb, attach a longer length of gas line to reach a gas can on the ground… a few squeezes and gravity did its thing. It's a bit of a slow process, but then you are starting off the season with clean fresh fuel.
You could also try to remember to run the tank low in the fall so it's stored with fresh fuel, if the gas in my boat sat that long I would use premium to offset degradation as well.