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Posted 11/13/2018 5:07 PM (#923376 - in reply to #921061)
Subject: Re: Made the Switch to a Bass Boat

Posts: 74

I switched from a bass boat. Ranger 461 vs Comanche 150 Johnson fast strike to 165 Alumacraft competitor 165 tiller Etec 60ho. Ran the Ranger for 10 seasons, great boat, incredibly stable and fast. Many big fish casting and trolling. Low to the water not great on BIG water but good enough and excellent overall. FAST and scary boats Ranger. 60 with no seat belt haha good times. Now I go 35-40 and have less fancy storage and such but the deep V rides different on chop and has high sides my daughter won’t fall out. Hated the console always felt it was in the way. I would buy Ranger again. Congratulations and enjoy I’m sure you will love that boat.

Edited by Muskies247 11/13/2018 5:09 PM

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