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Posted 10/18/2018 11:26 AM (#921187 - in reply to #921180)
Subject: Re: Used boat financing

Posts: 1294

tkuntz - 10/18/2018 10:59 AM

I have not found banks to be helpful at all in buying used boats or vehicles from private sellers. No problem getting financing from THE SAME BANK/CU through a dealer, however. It's a racket and should be illegal, but financial institutions love stacking the deck against you.

I don't know. Over the last 35 years, I just go into the CU and tell them what I am buying (car, truck, boat, etc.), how much I need, and they cut a check. Multiple boats and vehicles both from individuals and dealers. I haven't encountered any issues. Don't forget, a credit union (at least mine) is run by the people it serves.

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