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Posted 7/30/2018 6:12 PM (#913789 - in reply to #913785)
Subject: Re: 690 vs 692 vs 619

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
1995 was the first year of the VS and was made into '00 with the last model year a '99 i believe. the VS has a faster pad by a couple mph (hard to determine due to motor input obviously), shallower front, tear-drop back end by splashwell and uniform level of decking. the 1994 is a 690 C and has two levels of decking with a deeper front-end V and no tear-drop on the back end.

690 is a single console max. hp 175hp
692 is a dual console max. hp 175hp
619 has a wider beam and will take a 200hp

the only ones to avoid are the green and brown ones with ugly all over them and then of course what's hanging on the back could be a hazard.

otherwise, buy one. it's the last boat you will own if you find a good one. i have a 94 and wouldn't trade it for anything made.

Edited by jonnysled 7/30/2018 6:17 PM

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