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Posted 7/22/2018 7:09 PM (#913018 - in reply to #913014)
Subject: RE: Ulterra 24 V or 36 V

Posts: 176

I've pondered the whole trolling motor issue on my rebuild and my thought process was the same; Is it overkill? My boat isn't as heavy and doesn't need as much thrust, but my thoughts went from a 24 volt down to a 12 volt.

I ran a MinnKota 24 volt originally on my boat, went to a Pinpoint 24 volt, (which I loved), when that died went to a cable Motor Guide 24 volt, which I never liked, but it was bullet proof, then I switched to a 65lb thrust Watersnake, which I currently have, and it performs great, in a 12 volt, which dropped my weight by one battery and the technology kept it running pretty good as well, and even though it lasted pretty long, when it did die, it seemed to slow down faster. I was worried if my only one battery went dead I'd be out of luck. With a 24 volt system one battery can carry the other if one isn't as good. In a 24 vs 36 volt conversation that isn't as critical.

Weight was an issue and I did notice a slight improvement on top end, but again, my boat says it weights about 800 before a 300 pound motor and gear, so one battery is a larger percentage of the overall weight than it is on a bigger boat. None-the-less, weight is still an issue.

Finally time on the water without a charge, if that is an issue, is always better with more batteries. Again for me 24 trumped 12. But I'm not sure if that will occur for you even with a 24.


So now I'm back to a 24 Ulterra in my next set of plans.

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