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Posted 6/10/2018 9:20 PM (#909592 - in reply to #909573)
Subject: Re: My New 'Up North' Ride, Lund 1625 Fury XL

Posts: 32889

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
SkiNoob - 6/10/2018 2:48 PM

Steve do you know much about the cameras?

I was thinking one of the micro 5" models on the dash. How do you troll with it? Is the camera heavy enough to not require a ton of "line" (cord) How does it track?

I was walleye fishing yesterday and marking a ton of fish high and low. Sure would be nice to see what they were and adjust accordingly.


Quite a bit, we work with Aqua-Vu on several fronts. A Micro can be set up to troll slowly with, but it's way easier to run a 700i as it has a dash ready monitor and a wiring kit available for the project and has the fins and mounts for trolling with the camera clipping the line to a quick release.

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