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Jerry Newman
Posted 6/9/2018 9:28 AM (#909525 - in reply to #909101)
Subject: Re: My New 'Up North' Ride, Lund 1625 Fury XL

Location: 31
ToddC - 6/4/2018 3:23 PM


Nice looking rig & well laid out. I’m no certified captain or anything but isn’t you PowerPole on the starboard side? I’m looking at possibly adding one to my small water boat too. What made you decide to add it to the starboard side? Is it because you usually fish out of the port side? Great options on her. Really really nice! THanks.....TC

Because the ladder was already installed on the port side… ?

Nice rig/rigging Steve, I'd be interested in hearing about how the Aqua-Vu works out.

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