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Posted 6/7/2018 7:58 AM (#909358 - in reply to #908968)
Subject: RE: Terrova Remote Dead?

Posts: 352

Location: Vilas County, WI
An update on this and the end result...

First I attempted to relearn the remote - no dice.

After an hour or so of research on the net and visiting numerous other blogs and forums I discovered the following:
- Not all CR2540 or DL2540 batteries are the same. And not all batteries are compatible with the handheld remote. I had a Sony that was the original factory battery; now a Duracell. Energizer works as well but some knock off brands don't. Also, the dimensions vary slightly from battery to battery. which leads me to point 2...
- The 3 contact points inside the remote on the battery wear out and flex over time. Occasionally you have to clean and reshape the tabs for better contact on the battery.

End result, I put in a new battery, cleaned, and bent the tabs for better contact with the battery. Everything works well again.
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