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Posted 6/6/2018 1:04 PM (#909295 - in reply to #909275)
Subject: Re: Boat Trim/Speed

Posts: 77

VMS - 6/6/2018 9:49 AM


If memory serves me correctly, there will be a screw of some sort that you can turn tighter to adjust the hydraulic pressure. It has been a long time since I have seen an issue such as that, but that might be a start.

The next thing would be a bad seal on the hydraulic cylinder. It may not be enough to show a leak, but my guess is there might be some air in the system that can escape while under load.

I don't think the fix is hard or painstakingly long... My gut says an adjustment screw, but I will say that firmly with tongue in cheek.


Thanks for the reply Steve. I sure hope you are right. I recently spent (WAY too many) hours wiring and networking electronics. I posted the issue on Lake-Link and one guy said he had a bad check valve and couldn't find parts, so he sold the boat.

Trouble is it works fine dry and has be to under power to show symptoms.

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