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Posted 6/6/2018 9:53 AM (#909277 - in reply to #909269)
Subject: Re: Ranger 681T Prop Question

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Do you have any numbers currently for the rig as you run it now? That will be a very helpful start in determining set-up for your rig.

The numbers that will definitely help out are as follows:
1. The max RPM for the motor
2. The gear ratio of the lower unit
3. The max RPM you can reach in the boat, full of gas and loaded with just you and your stuff.
4. The speed you reach at max RPM loaded above
5. The prop brand/model (aluminum or stainess) with the diameter and pitch combination you are running.

Without knowing anything, My gut instinct says you should be seeing anywhere from 30mph to 33mph or so with an outside chance of 35.


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