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Posted 6/6/2018 9:36 AM (#909273)
Subject: Boat Trim/Speed

Posts: 77

I was out in my boat last week on bago.

17ft Starcraft Alum deep V. I recently added an 8hp kicker (4 stroke). I lost about 5mph, I thought that was quite a bit, at least more than I expected. The boat has an '04 115hp Merc 4-stroke EFI. I got about 40mph out of it before the kicker.

Last Wednesday I was up north, it started to rain. Put everything away and go. Full throttle, 7.5mph, didn't feel right. Obviously somethings wrong...

The motor won't trim up or hold trim under power. I trimmed it up and as soon as I hit the throttle, the motor came back down to the transom. It trims up/down fine when not under power.

I checked the oil in the reservoir and it seemed full (with the boat as level as I could get it).

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.

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