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Posted 6/5/2018 8:29 AM (#909177 - in reply to #909158)
Subject: Re: Humminbird transducer: Anyone replace the mounting hardware?

Posts: 546

Location: MN
VMS - 6/4/2018 9:27 PM


Well....the transducer mount broke this weekend, so I'm changing things out...

I got to thinking, though...when the transducer was still attached, it would not read very well at speed. Was reading and came across the y cable that would allow some units to run both a dual beam transducer and a high definition transducer at the same time...

I have an 899 and have not been able to confirm whether or not it will use a y cable to read both down/side scan transducer and a normal transducer. Anyone know for sure and if so, what transducer do I need to mount in-hull?

I would mount the down/side scan in a higher location as it would be submerged while using it...


Yes, the setup pictured will work with your unit and all other HELIX and 500, 700, 800, 900 and 1100 series units. For a fiberglass boat, go with the XP 9 20 2D trasnducer.

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