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Posted 6/1/2018 12:18 PM (#908830 - in reply to #908815)
Subject: Re: upgrading electronics Help!!

Posts: 546

Location: MN
Pointerpride102 - 6/1/2018 9:40 AM

If you're moving slow (casting speeds) SI isn't as effective. SI is best at 3-5 mph.

Actually, when you adjust your chart speed to match the boat speed, it is still effective. Some of my best images have come from slower speeds because it allows more sonar pings to contact the object, thus having the ability to show a more detailed image.

I found an image. In hindsight, in 5 ft of water, bringing the range in to 50ft would have provided larger details on the screen, but we were running a lot of different depths that day.

Edited by mtcook16 6/4/2018 10:31 AM

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(Mega_Muskie_While Casting_Zoom.jpg)

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(Mega_Muskie_While Casting_Small.jpg)

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