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Posted 6/1/2018 7:45 AM (#908793 - in reply to #908777)
Subject: Re: Trailer question

Posts: 1727

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I have the trailer shown at the link below. I could launch my boat on the side of a ditch if I had to. The boat rolls off of this trailer so easily, it scared me at first. I never had a roller trailer before, but after having this, I prefer roller trailers for launching alone. Grease the roller shafts on all the rollers and you will be amazed how easy you can launch and load. If you buy this trailer, replace the bolts that allow the rollers to "hinge". If you can weld, have someone weld in a sleeve where the bolt rides and oversize it. Also rollers without the "flats" launch easier, but are harder to load. If you drive the boat on, the flats help to keep the boat from rolling backwards. There is a trade off, but I prefer the round rollers. If you make it to central IL, look me up. I would be more than happy to take you out fishing and show you how my rig launches and loads. I have an alumacraft lunker 165 mag tiller so my boat isn't that much bigger.

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