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Posted 5/30/2018 7:54 AM (#908598)
Subject: Humminbird transducer: Anyone replace the mounting hardware?

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
Hi Everyone,

New to me rig has a humminbird transducer off the back that has the plastic mounting to the hull. I think it is too low in the water, and the transducer flips up a touch while running at speed. It pulls right out of the side mounts. Does not seem to be a secure way of mounting, and from what I can tell does not give me any room to adjust the transducer up or down either.

I see there is a metal bracket that can be used as well (to the tune of $35 or so) that is adjustable, and I'm hopeful this would be the fix...

Anyone done this before or had issues with the plastic hardware?



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