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Posted 5/22/2018 8:31 AM (#907002 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Sounds like you need to get a prop that has more lifting capabilities, but 41.5 on that boat with the 115 4 stroke is getting close to the best you will see....

If you have not moved the motor up off the transom more, the lower unit is still holding you back a touch as well. With more lower unit out of the water, the less drag you have, thus more speed. I believe this will be a big part of the equation here...

I do tend to think you need a prop that has more tip cupping to it to help lift the bow and trailing edge cupping which would lift the stern more as well...

Something like this prop on the link below is worth a try, but you would be much better suited to find a dealer that has a demo prop program so you can go out and test different props to find one that will do what you are looking for it to do.

Although you have a mercury engine, if you can find an exchangeable hub system that fits an older Michigan Rapture, Ballistic or BRP Raker propeller, you'd have some options to try...

The raker is a great prop, and it has 15 splines, but most likely would not match up unless you can find an exchangeable hub system for it. The older pressed hub models will most likely not fit.


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