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Posted 5/15/2018 8:28 AM (#906515 - in reply to #906502)
Subject: Re: Tuffy Boats

Location: Contrarian Island
from Tuffys facebook page:

Tuffy Boats by Fiberdome
May 11 at 8:10am ·
Good morning everyone!
As most of you have heard Tuffy Boats has been purchased from Fiber dome Inc. This acquired purchase has been in transition for almost a year however, information has been withheld for business reasons.The company has been purchased by Scott and Jessie Dufrane.
For those of you that know the new owners, they have been with Tuffy Boats since 1989. Starting out on the musky side with appearances in Paul’s pro Am and the Three lakes tournaments, Scott and Jessie have now been fishing the Walleye side for over 15years including M.W.C, Aim, Mercury Nationals, Otter Street, and other series. The pair averages 3-4 days a week in their boat which is currently the Osprey 2100 and have had the 1890, 2060, and others in the past.
From new owner:
I would like to reassure all of you that one of the main reasons I purchased Tuffy Boats is because
the following and loyalty of being a Tuffy owner. I did not want to see this company sold or dissolved, which is what made this an easy choice for me. The new home for Tuffy boats will be relocating to New London WI. We have a brand new 12,000-foot facility that we are preparing for startup the 1st week of June 2018.
The New London facility we be more centrally located for our customers. I will promise you that we are going to take this Company upward and address any issues that may have occurred in the past. I will share information with you as we move forward with this adventure.
Thank You and we look forward to working with all of you

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