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Posted 5/11/2018 11:38 AM (#906251 - in reply to #905086)
Subject: Re: would you buy a used boat/motor with new powerhead

Posts: 299

Back in 2008 I bought a 2006 Boat with a 2008 E-Tec new power head. I was very nervous but everything checked out and seller was honest. The new power head had 76 hours on it and now has well over 500 hours from me and still working perfectly to this day. I've yet to have 1 issue with the outboard. Not's been flawless. At that time there was a lot of stories of bad E-Tec's and it's been by far the best outboard I've ever owned or been around. Maybe I was lucky but I certainly wouldn't shy away from a new Powerhead. Good dealers will correct the issue and essentially you have a newer less worn motor.

Edited by detroithardcore 5/11/2018 11:47 AM

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