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Posted 5/9/2018 6:56 PM (#906110)
Subject: Evinrude Repair Needed - Chicago Area

Posts: 31

Location: Chicago
Hey Everyone,

I have a 1996 40hp Evinrude tiller that is spitting/leaking some gas on my 1989 Tuffy. It will still start up and run but it's definitely struggling a little, and leaking gas is never a good thing. Had what seemed like a similar issue a few years ago and it turned out to be a simple cracked (plastic) fuel filter.

Long story short, I'm looking for someone in the Chicago area (I'm in the western 'burbs - Downers Grove) that would be able to repair the engine. Closest listed repair shop is about 40 miles away, so I would love to find someone closer to me.

Let me know if you know anyone or any shops.


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