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Posted 5/6/2018 4:06 PM (#905901)
Subject: Optimax Alarm

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Solid tone, no beeps. Was out testing the boat out today, did some putting around the lake loooking for walleye spots. Then ran it up to plane and opened it up and it ran fine. Backed down and on came the alarm. Shut the motor off as to not blow my ear drums. Turned it back on after a few seconds and alarm came back on. Shut it back down, decided to add oil (should have done this prior to hitting the water). Fired back on and alarm was off. Putted around for a bit and then went back up on plane. No problems getting there, came back downand it took it a minute but alarm came back on, went on for a bit then shut off while the motor remained running. At this point I just put it on the trailer.

It's an 06 or 07 Optimax 90 tiller. Strong steam of water, old men everywhere are jealous of its stream. When adding oil it was clearly low, took almost the full gallon I carry.

Some suggestions I've had are air in the oil line, clogged oil filter, or water in the gas. Any other thoughts?

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