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Posted 5/3/2018 8:27 AM (#905701 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

The project is easiest to remove the bolts, clean them up and reinstall...that way you are not moving the trailer away from the should re-seal the holes as you go. It's a nice preventative measure as well because if the motor was lowered and the previous owner/dealer didn't do this before the sale, you could find down the road some soft transom material...that is not an easy fix...

If you get a couple of buddies to help, get some wood blocks and use them to help balance the motor using the anti-ventilation plate. support the plate on both sides (prop off here would help big time), have the guys help keep balance, remove bolts, raise the tongue of the trailer until the bolt holes reallign, then reinstall the bolts.

Definitely be sure to lower you jack as far as it can go before you start. The jack needs to move a long way to get the little adjustment in the rear you need.


Edited by VMS 5/3/2018 12:45 PM

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