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Posted 5/2/2018 1:00 PM (#905645 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 532

How are you getting your speed? and what brand or style tach are you using?

VMS do you think he will gain 700 rpm by droping 2" of pitch, its almost double the rule of thumb.

I almost have to question your instruments at this point, I am not saying dropping pitch wont help, i think it will.

The difference in the math i posted earlier has a concern that one of the supplied numbers is not correct.

If it were me i would find why the numbers are not closer to matching before trying a different prop.

You tach could be off and your at 6500 right now (not saying you are, useing an extreme number as a example), or your speedo could be reading 30 but your doing 40. The formula isnt close so a number is wrong.

Edited by anzomcik 5/2/2018 1:22 PM

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