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Posted 5/2/2018 6:51 AM (#905599 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

The apollo series replaced the Rapture, so they are fairly similar in design. I would say try raising the motor and see what that does for you. I don't think that prop is going to be the best fit in the end, but testing it at a higher position definitely cannot hurt.

I would tend to agree, though that you should be seeing higher numbers on your speed. I am assuming this is GPS speed that you gave at the beginning yes? The only other thing I can think of would be a tach setting is off.

I'm doing some other checking as you happen to know the gear ratio of the motor off hand? I tried some prop calculations with your 5600 rpms and everything shows you should be upper 30's to 40 in that rpm range, which is why I'm curious about the tach setting as well...

We will get this figured out....


Edited by VMS 5/2/2018 6:53 AM

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