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Posted 11/30/2003 7:58 AM (#89460 - in reply to #88873)
Subject: RE: Later Model Mercury Questions

Location: Minneapolis, MN


You don't have many choices for motor mfg's anymore.  It soo bad there are not more choices like in the auto industry where you can find lemons simply by looking at resale value.  The Bomb memtioned earlier appears to be turning the ship post OMC but there was also some talk of them selling the brand....again. Just like the last sale, there are no guarantees the new owner will honor pre-sale warranties.

Mercury engineers like the others were drug into this century by the EPA.  Their first attempt at the problem was to add some hi-tech ignition systems to a old reliable 2 stroke design.  God forbid they would look outside their little box and start over again!  Several very famous people have proven that sometimes the best answer can be arrived at faster by blowing up an old design and starting over again rather then continuing to reingeer the old one.  American engineers at Mercury appear uncomfortable with that as they are the last to bring about radical new designs in the industry.  Who has the sought after 300hp motor right now?  Who has had a high HP 4-$troke on the market for several years?  Who didn't wait for the EPA to force them into more efficent cleaner motors?  Who didn't turn to another play in the indstry to make their first 4-$tokes?

I am one of the poor slobs who owns one of their first generation attempts at the EPA problem.  They call it an OptiMax.  I call it fear.  When it runs its excellent on fuel and oil.  It usually starts on 1/2 a crank on a cold day too.  However it has spent a few extended stays in the shop too.  The mechanics have a difficult time diagnosing some of the high tech stuff in theses motors.  Some start with the least expensive suspect part and move up the line until the motor starts functioning properly.  This saves Mercury money but it takes a ton of time for each part to be ordered and shipped.  If your warranty is expired this practice could lead to anecessive bill in unecessary parts.

I am going foreign on my next motor.  I can't afford a $6,000+ power head replacement and I shouldn't have to purchase a $1,600 extended warranty out of fear after paying big bucks for a motor.  Hell you can buy a used car with 1,000's more parts and man hours for less then you can buy a big block outboard and that used car will probably run longer.  The ouboard industry is ripe for change. 

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