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Posting a reply to: Re: I need to pull my motor to rebuild my transom--what have you guys done?

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Posted 10/13/2017 7:06 AM (#881169 - in reply to #881158)
Subject: Re: I need to pull my motor to rebuild my transom--what have you guys done?

Posts: 3480

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

When I have done transom work/jackplate installs, I have used an engine hoist. If you have a lifting ring for the motor (some motors you have to buy it...then it screws into the top of the flywheel), just attach the hoist there, get the hoist lifting just enough to be tight, remove the bolts, then work motor off the transom (may need a pry bar, but silicone should let go fairly easy for the most part). I'd be sure to have your transom tie downs on and tight just so you don't inadvertently lift the boat up off the trailer...

If you can store the motor using the hoist, you'd be good to go. Unhook any lines, wires, etc, cabling, steering, etc, and roll it to a safe position in the garage.


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