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Posted 10/13/2017 6:01 AM (#881158)
Subject: I need to pull my motor to rebuild my transom--what have you guys done?

Posts: 176

I need to pull my 1990 75 hp Merc to rebuild my transom.

I've got photo's etc. to remember how to replace it etc. but in the mean time I'm wondering what you do-it-yourselfers have done to take your motor off.

I think my research says it weights about 299 pounds. I will need to store it for a bit before it gets replaced. Here are my questions:

1. How did you lift it off?
2. Did you attach it to anything to lift it off?
3. Are you able to lay that motor down like you would a small motor and not worry about harming something?


Edited by Nomadmusky 10/13/2017 6:02 AM

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