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Posted 10/4/2017 1:18 PM (#880116 - in reply to #879391)
Subject: Re: Xi5 owners

Posts: 331

Location: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Dirt Esox - 9/26/2017 9:25 PM

Muskytime, I had the same issues as you. Not cool around reefs in big wind when xi5 would go rogue.

Sell it and get an Ultrex. Best musky fishing motor I've ever owned so far, it's a hybrid between a Fortrex and Terrova, does all things well, spot lock is pretty close to xi5 accuracy.


Yep a big safety issue in my mind. I almost got thrown from the boat a few times. They replaced my circuit board will try it out this weekend. I'm ready to sell it and go back to Minn Kota!

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