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Posted 9/15/2017 9:12 PM (#878115)
Subject: Impact Motor Height

Posts: 742

Location: Grand Rapids MN
Curious what motor mount you are running on your Lund Impact? I have an 1850XS with a Merc 150, boat came with a 19 pitch aluminum prop and with the motor on the top hole (lowest motor height) spun 5800 (just right). I changed to a Tempest in same pitch and picked up a few mph throughout but rpm dropped to 52-5300. Dealer said to only raise it one hole and really cautioned me about going two; not sure why though and he wouldn't really say.

Another guy at my work bought the same setup but the motor is up one hole and gets around 54-5500 lightly loaded and a few mph more. So that gave me an idea and tells me another hole may get me all my rpm back.

Not to concerned with top speed but the prop changed improved my cruise speed which I like. The other guys boat does run a few rpm less at the same mph so I know more gains can be had.

After all that has anyone ran this rig with the motor up two holes?

Thx, Mike

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