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Posted 9/10/2017 7:24 PM (#877313)
Subject: Tuffy 1700 GT 60 hp CT Prop

Posts: 2

I just re powered my 1999 Tuffy 1700 GT Tiller with a 60 Hp Merc 4 stroke Command Trust Big Tiller. I have Terrova and Traxxis along with 3 group 27 batteries as my normal load.

I have had three different props on it so far and cant seem to find one that works good.
The first one was a 15p 4 blade Splitfire which was way too big and I could only turn about 4600 rpms at about 25mph.

Then he had me try a 13 Splitfire. With that the I was able to get to about 5300 rpms at around 28 mph by myself with light load/

Today I tried out a 11p Splitfire and I can easily blow past 6k rpms with out even trimming it out. 2 people full load. I could only hit around 25 mph at around 3/4 throttle.

The dealer told me it would make no difference in RPM going from the 3 blade Black Max form the 4 blade Splitfire. Merc doesnt seem to make a 12p Aluminum prop for this gear case.

Anyone else have something similar to this set up that can give me some advice?

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