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Posted 9/8/2017 10:33 AM (#877045)
Subject: Trailer Axle Condition - need replaced or good to go???

Posts: 2

Looking for some help with my boat trailer...

When doing a look see at the suspension/axle of my trailer, I noticed a rusty spot on the bottom side of the square axle. When I took a closer look, I noticed a hole as well. I scraped off the rust with a wire brush. I guess it's possible the hole is a drain hole intentionally drilled there. But I'm not be honest I've never looked at the bottom side of the axle before.

All in all the axle seems sturdy...mostly surface rust. Does this spot look like it would compromise the integrity of the axle, or is it something that I can wait on to replace? Trailer was made circa 1991 and it has original the axle and leaf springs.

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(bottom view of axle.JPG)

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(side view of axle.JPG)

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Attachments side view of axle.JPG (75KB - 376 downloads)

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