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Posted 8/29/2017 8:16 AM (#875962 - in reply to #875942)
Subject: Re: How hard is it to rewire and old Tuffy?

Posts: 1726

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I would replace it all with THHN wire. I rewired my boat when i replaced all the wood and it took about 2 hours. I bundled all the wires in a plastic gas line so that they could be replaced easily if needed. Remember to allow a lot of room to pull new wires through if needed. Solder and heat shrink EVERYTHING. Splice caps are prone to corrosion. I ran both depth finders, the boat switch panel, and a 12v cigarette lighter socket to a bus bar connected to the battery. This alone cleaned up most of the stray wires I had in my boat from the previous owner.

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