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Musky Brian
Posted 8/24/2017 10:15 PM (#875442 - in reply to #875435)
Subject: Re: Boat & motor value for state sales tax?

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
ToddC - 8/24/2017 8:51 PM

Musky Brian - 8/24/2017 4:08 PM

......Illinois will dig into your value, at least on your boat. And will go as far as to contact your seller you worked with. There's an associated fine if you get caught misrepresenting what you paid.

Seriously? I've lived in IL all my life & have bought & sold boats & have friends that have as well and I've never heard of this happening. With the current state of affairs here I doubt if they have the manpower to do this.

Heck, I begged them this spring to take my money for turkey permits for my daughter & me. They had hundreds of permits left but would not sell me any because "it was past the deadline" And we wonder why this state is in such financial ruin.......

yup, they have a specific department dedicated to just that. I hadn't heard of it either, and had bought multiple boats out of state. Then I got a not so fun piece of mail one day....

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