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Posted 8/21/2017 1:34 PM (#875068 - in reply to #874643)
Subject: Re: Questions about humminbird

Posts: 546

Location: MN
When getting an SI unit, whether a MEGA or standard, do yourself a favor and get a high speed transducer and a Y-cable that will pair with the included SI or MEGA SI transducer. It allows for high-speed depth readings. The MEGA transducer can then be mounted higher on the transom and is better protected, as long as it is below the water line at idle (SI and DI speeds). The 2D transducer will work as your 2D transducer at all times and will be in good contact with depth and sonar, if mounted properly.

Y cable: (HELIX: MSIDB Y #720094-1) SOLIX: SMSIDB Y #720100-1)
Fiberglass boats can do a shoot-thru-hull transducer: (HELIX: XP 9 20 #710164-1) (SOLIX: XP 14 20 #710249-1)
Aluminum boats need transom mounted transducer (HELIX: XNT 9 20 #710214-1) (SOLIX: XNT 14 20 T #710247-1)

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