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Posted 8/21/2017 10:16 AM (#875038)
Subject: Humminbird - screen freezing issue

Posts: 921

Hey Guys:

I had a Helix 7 installed on my dash and also have a Helix 10 on the bow. The one on the bow has worked fine all summer.

However, the Helix 7 on the dash does weird things. It will just reboot itself. Or worse yet, it just freezes up. With no way to turn it off. Luckily I have a master power switch on my boat that allows me to shut it down. Otherwise I have no idea how I would even shut it down without crawling under the dash and unplugging it.

Anyways, I figured I have a wire loose or something. But here's the kicker ... I was using my buddy's boat this weekend and had the same issues with his Helix 10 on the dash. And the one on the bow was finicky too.

I was shocked. I figured mine was a fluke, but with 2 different Helix doing the same thing in 2 different boats, I have to imagine we are not the only people having an issue.

I know some of you love your Birds, but I also run HDS 10's on the boat and never ever have issues with them. So if it's a voltage issue, the Birds must be much more sensitive than the Lowrance because the Lowrance's run just fine when I am having issues with the Birds.

Anyone else experiencing similar screen freeze issues with Birds? Is there any other way to shut them off or reboot them without turning the master power off to the whole boat and "hoping" that they reboot and turn on without freezing after the master power is turned back on?

Thanks - Ball Cap

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