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Posted 8/20/2017 7:21 AM (#874936 - in reply to #874838)
Subject: Re: Twin cities year round boat storage

Posts: 383

I live pretty far south of the metro but my town has an old Menards building here that's a different business now and the yard has been turned into year round storage. Your choice of indoor or outdoor. Electronic gate controlled. Punch in your code, pick-up/drop off your rig at your convenience. Since I have three cars and a two car garage, this place has been indispensable to me. If I need to charge the tm batteries or work on the boat, I bring it home. Otherwise I know it's securely tucked away with ready access when I need it. I know there are other places like this around the metro and I highly recommend it. Some of the best $40 I spend each month.

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