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Posted 8/16/2017 10:01 PM (#874603 - in reply to #873889)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
Thanks for all the replies. I'm giong to move on from this motor and see what I can get by selling as is for parts. Looking for a newer pre owned 200 and getting some bids on a new Df 200 a Suzi in line 4 cyl. These are aggressively priced with an 800 rebate I can get one rigged with controls for just under 14$k, which is alot less than any other brand I've had quoted. I know a couple friend with suzis that have been very happy with them over time, so that's where I'm leaning,

Edited by Cowboyhannah 8/16/2017 10:02 PM

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