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Posted 8/12/2017 1:39 PM (#874033 - in reply to #873889)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

Posts: 32890

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Does anyone really think a failure in a 12 year old motor will be addressed by the company? How many owners, hours, and what was the maintenance schedule from day one?

The engine is wayyyyyy out of warranty and is no longer in production, so I doubt any outboard company would cover it in any way. I know if it was a truck and you called the company you'd get nowhere, pretty much. The dealers won't work on them because they can't get quite a few of the parts and may not even have the tools to service the motor any more, and there's no law out there requiring Evinrude to produce parts for an engine out of production for that long. If the model was still in production and was recently it would be an issue.

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