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Posted 8/11/2017 11:46 PM (#873991 - in reply to #873988)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN
It is easy to pull the head and take a look, and you will see a hole in you piston. Been there done that, First one ran forever and loved it tons of power, died in canada last hour of trip!! good timing. bought used motor as I thought easy to repoewer. died 2 years later same fate. Problem with rebuilt is the power head 6-8k then still dont know what caused failures, was oil pump, and etc... so you with other parts you will almost 9k on 12 year old motor. I did pull head and nice hole, my guess just like all the big 225 is they are pushing performance over durability. So repowered with Suzuki, and will not worry again and no more oil!!!.

Good luck


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