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Posted 8/11/2017 12:55 PM (#873948 - in reply to #873889)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

Posts: 1083

Sounds to me like you holed a piston. Meaning, blew a hole through the top of the piston. Which is why you have zero compression. Could have been detonation due to low octane, could have been oil starvation, could have been timing. If those techs you're talking too are bringing up "oil pump" as part of the conversation...that sounds to me like it could have been oil starvation. Maybe the piston furthest away from the pump? I don't know these engines. But if you holed a piston, and continued to run the engine, you've run metal fragments throughout the entire engine and most likely scored the cylinder. So they'd want a new power head vs boring that one cylinder to get past the scoring marks.

What did the end the spark plug that came out of that cylinder? Dark with a lot of white spots on it, ie, metal fragmentation?

Edited by MACK 8/11/2017 3:18 PM

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