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Posted 8/11/2017 6:27 AM (#873900 - in reply to #873889)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

Posts: 2017

I feel your pain - I ran a 2003 FICHT 200hp for 8 years, loved it WHEN it ran - ha! I know I missed out on some good bites in 2006 and 2007 cause my boat was in the shop for months.. I had a problem with anyone wanting to touch it 10 years ago and those that would, were often scratching their head trying to diagnose and properly fix.. so I'm sure its only got worse... I'll let others more qualified than I talk about your issue as mine were usually ECU/EMM related (doesn't sound like that's what you are dealing with) .... but the fact that few technicians want to and know how to work on these anymore...led me to go Mercury, at least parts and techs are everywhere - good luck ..engine problems - stink!

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