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Posted 8/9/2017 8:43 AM (#873621 - in reply to #873348)
Subject: Re: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 983

btfish - 8/7/2017 12:23 PM

IMO When Ranger stopped making the 690 & 680/618 they stopped making a boat for muskie fishermen. So that is why I got a Tuffy. If Ranger would make the current 618 hull in a console model with long rod storage they may have something, but I have talked to them several times and it doesn't sound like that will happen. My uncapped G model Tuffy has way more room than a Recon.

Enjoy your day.


What dont you like about the 620 or 621 for Muskie Fishing?? Very interested because I wanna upgrade boats again this spring and really leaning toward a 620 or 621...would also look at tuffy but dont see many in my area I should have bought one for sale here last spring it was a 2015 Tuffy 19ft fiberglass with 225 optimax and powerpoles and electronics for 27k think that was a pretty solid number just didnt have that type of cash at the time and really wanted 20ft min but ended up with a 19'6" and learn but interested to hear back

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