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Posted 8/6/2017 5:07 PM (#873261 - in reply to #789680)
Subject: Re: 681 VS deck extensions

Posts: 8788

Mine measures 40-1/2" X 16-1/2" overall. (a bit more with the carpeting, I'd account for the thickness of the carpeting...) There's a lip on the front just like what the compartment latches have. Can't tell because it's carpeted but I'd guess it's 3/4" marine grade plywood. Might only be 1/2", as it does flex some when you stand on it. Attached on both sides and in back with small L brackets, 2 screws each. It's also got a hole in it for a seat post which I can measure for you if you'd like. Pretty sure mine came from Ranger, but it looks really easy to build. Need a pic?

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