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Posted 7/31/2017 7:31 PM (#872357 - in reply to #872351)
Subject: Re: Trolling motor battery recommendation

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
A 681 won't fit 31 series batteries? I'd go as big as you can. I got agms from farm and fleet last year and so far so good. Still expensive but less than many.
If you are considering changing batteries in the future just get some whatever wet cell batteries and be happy for a few years. I'd check more specs and make sure nobody makes a 31 that will fit. If not and you find some 29s that do that's the route I'd go. It's no fun trying to pick your spots based on conserving your batteries so they last all day.

P.s. I've heard good things about Cabelas agm batteries too.

Edited by curleytail 7/31/2017 7:33 PM

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