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Posted 7/31/2017 7:07 PM (#872351)
Subject: Trolling motor battery recommendation

Posts: 8788

Ranger 681VS, 24v, Minn Kota Power Drive 65#

Seen tons of rec's for the EverStart Maxx AGM's. Unfortunately, those are sold out at Wally World and we're leaving for Canada in a week. Tried to find Interstates, but none of the Interstate dealers in my area carry Deep Cycle batteries. West Marine has a few options, but they're twice the price of the Wally World batteries. Tried Amazon, found a few brands-I've-never-heard of, bot those are nearly $250/pop.

Running 27's right now, and the 29's look like they will fit. (31's are too wide, so that's out)

Pretty sure 27's (which WM has) would be sufficient, but when my TM breaks I'll probably go with a larger one.


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